Monday, February 6, 2012


There is a lot of buzz about the Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) movement in some of the more progressive school systems as a means to offset technology budgets, and therefore free up technology resources for students without devices.

Unfortunately, Hawaii is not one of the states adopting the BYOD approach. I'm sure there are many issues to resolve in regards to equity, security, IT infrastructure, etc. but more and more students will have access to mobile devices such as smart phone and tablets. Why not at least start implementing pilot programs to see how they can best be utilized in the classroom? Hopefully, this is already happening.

Jim, one of our classmates who's a vice principal, talked about the use of twitter in an humanities class to learn how to type succinctly. What a great idea! This type of innovation should be encouraged and shared in all Hawaii schools.

What are your thoughts on the BYOD approach in the classroom?

Barseghian, T. (2012, February 2). In some cash-strapped schools, kids bring their own tech devices. Retrieved from

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