Monday, February 27, 2012

Only thing constant is change

Apologies for the hiatus, but I'm back in full swing...

The only thing constant is change. The question really is how quickly people can embrace the change that lies ahead. I concur 100% that it's important to think through the pedagogy before just jumping in and buying technology. However, I find that many teachers (esp. the ones in the system for a while) are resistant and even frightened to even learn about technology. I wonder if teachers are required to go through yearly professional development on available technology. Any teachers out there care to comment...

I know that the DOE invested bucks on the Discovery Education online curriculum (which I think is a pretty worthwhile resource). I've heard that there are pockets of use, but not much widespread adoption.

So what can we expect in the future? Maybe students should be doing some training for the teachers to get them up to speed on the potential of technology, so they at least have an idea of what's possible...

There are more and more opportunities for students to be producers (not just consumers) of content which can help their classmates and the teacher. As move to a mobile-friendly, open-source, content creation world, there is a greater opportunity for teachers and students to shape the curriculum to better meet the needs of the local audiences. Can't wait to see what the classroom will look like 5 years down the line!

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