Monday, February 27, 2012

How do I live without you?

I have an Android smart phone (Samsung Galaxy S) which I use for both personal and business applications. It's been a few weeks without my smart phone (I'm letting my mom try it)... and I'm definitely going through withdrawal.

The funny thing... there are a couple of things in the video that I can actually relate to.

Here’s a typical work day (when I had my phone)

An alarm app wakes me up in the morning with randomized song played from my playlist to start the day off on a good note. I check my Google Calendar to see what meetings are on my agenda, and to gauge how quickly I need to get ready for work. If I have an early webinar to attend (where I can’t make it into work yet), I’ll tune in through a WebEx app where I can participate just like I could on the computer. While I’m at work, the phone will vibrate 15 minutes before each of my scheduled meetings. During the rare occasion of a not-so-exciting meeting, I might check my email or send a quick text.

If I don’t have home lunch, I would use Yelp to find a new restaurant. Since my fiancee is a foodie, I might take pictures of my lunch and text it to her. During lunch, I might read the newspaper, briefly check my social media accounts, and play a game. After lunch, If I have an off-campus meeting, I’ll use Google Maps or Telenav to get GPS style directions to the meeting. At the meeting, I’ll look at Google Calendar to confirm who should be at the meeting and to refer to notes on the agenda. After the meeting, I might get a notification alarm from a Craigslist Notification app that lets me know that someone has posted something that fits my parameters.

Before heading home, I might check the sale items and personalized deals at grocery stores to see if there is anything I should pick up. After dinner, if I have additional work, I would connect my computer to my phone’s mobile hotspot. Oh, of course I would a make a few calls and send a few texts throughout the day as well.

Although it is nice, to not always reach for the phone whenever there is a millisecond of boredom...

1 comment:

  1. Nice. I am actually thinking about getting a mobile hotspot. It makes sense to do so rather than pay for an internet connection with wires.

    I wonder if there will ever come a day when the internet connection will be completely free?

    There are so many tools that are going free now days, I would not be surprised about having a free internet connection.


